Jodi Reeb

Jodi Reeb has been a full-time artist and teacher for 25 years…

Neil Sherman

Neil Sherman is primarily a plein air artist. Before moving to…

Lisa Stauffer

Lisa Stauffer received a Master’s in Design from the University…

Corrie Steckelberg

Corrie Steckelberg is an artist based in Hovland, MN. She works…

Adam Swanson

Adam Swanson is a Duluth-based painter and muralist fascinated…

Carolyn Swiszcz

Carolyn Swiszcz earned a BFA in printmaking from the Minneapolis…

Tim Tozer

Tim Tozer was born in Portsmouth, UK, and studied painting at…

Denise Walser-Kolar

Denise Walser-Kolar is an internationally-recognized botanical…

Russ White

Russ White is an artist, designer, writer, and editor living…