The Water Cycle: Infiltration: Silk, Dye, and Rock Rubbings

Students will work primarily outdoors on Artists’ Point and use dye and ink washes to make rock impression rubbings on a silk scarf taken from the fissures and textures of the dark gray basalt outcroppings along Lake Superior.

View supply list here.

This class is part of The Water Cycle Residency, September 7 – 13, a week-long exploration of the nature of water and how it inspires, informs, and challenges artistic endeavors.

The Water Cycle Artists-in-Residence:

All artists-in-residence will offer a half-day class as well as participate in a final panel discussion, September 12 at 7 pm.

Registration for this class will remain open until September 7, 2019. Please register before this date.

  • September 9, 2019
    1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.