Virtual Glaze Testing Course 21V-C4-1

John Britt is a studio pottery who has written two books on glazes: The Complete Guide to High Fire and Mid-Range Glazes. He has also made many glaze-related videos which are available for free on his YouTube channel. John will use those videos as a jumping off point for this class. Students are invited to join John for an initial zoom session and overview of two glaze testing techniques, The Color Blend and The Progression Test. He will give out testing assignments. For those interested, he will assign several videos to watch on an Introduction to Glazes and the class will discuss them on March 24. The group will then spend the following two weeks testing glazes. On April 7 the class will come together again in order to discuss results.

This class must meet minimum enrollment by March 3, 2021 at 4 PM. Please register before this date to ensure your spot.


  • March 17, 24 & April 7
    March 17, 2021
    5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.



This event will take place completely over zoom and a strong internet connection is required. Instructions to join the virtual studio will be sent to those who register.