Valuing the Land

If you cross country ski, snowmobile, sail, walk, forage, drive a skidder, hang sheet rock, plant gardens, or run sled dogs, then you have unique and personal stories about the land you live on. The land and water unify people and musician and poet, Ben Weaver, will help participants use music, writing, and stories to consider possibilities for the future of their sense of place. At the conclusion of the workshop participants will have the option to share their stories through Climate Generation’s Eyewitness Project, a Will Steger Legacy program. 

Registration for this class remains open until October 25, 2019. Please register before this date.

Note that if the cost of this class is a barrier, please contact the Art Colony to make other arrangements.

  • November 2, 2019
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


120 West 3rd Avenue, PO Box 626, Grand Marais, Minnesota, 55604, United States